Monday, January 25, 2010

Wind power is growing. And are footprint is getting Smaller

Wind power Rises 39%

Despite a crippling Economy. But wind turbines are having a growing population. the wind power industry grew in the 2009 giving the amount of wind energy 39% The country is getting closer to the point where 2 percent of its electricity will come from wind turbines. I know what your thinking its a pretty small percentage but this was nothing compared to a few years ago. At that time we weren't aware of the damage we were putting to the Earth using up so much Energy. But if we keep this up we could help the the united states and the rest of the world lower its emissions of the gases that cause Global Warming.

Making The Arctic melt and with that melting it will raise sea levels giving NYC a high chance of Tidal waves and major floods. I spoke with my friend Via Email and asked him what does he think about this Percent increase in Wind Energy. He said "I think its a great idea but why was it taking us so long to to this in the first place...... I mean c'mon with a country and the world at risk we need to act up fast or else its going to be to late and guess what... Were dead!" Well, i kinda agree but there has to be a reason this process is a Little bit slow. But when theses a will there's a way!

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