Sunday, April 17, 2011


Image and video hosting by TinyPicLove is something which is eternal, For the ones who have lost it, for the ones who want it, Love comes in many different shapes & forms. Some find love in religion or music, There are many out there who never experienced what love is, Their butterfly's haven't took flight yet, love is something we sometimes take for granted & sometimes we forget that millions want to take out place because they want to feel love, They would sacrifice anything for it. We stop talking to our loved ones when were upset with them, We say we hate our mothers, fathers, sisters & brothers but we forget what our mothers love us & carried us for nine months also suffered a painful birth, We forget our fathers helped make US & loved us like theres no tomorrow. We also forget our siblings are there for us when we need them the most no matter how much we fight with them, My overall message is to rejoice & respect the fact that we have people in our lives that love us & care for us, and stop fighting for minor reasons. But sometimes the ones we love are the wrong ones maybe their abusive or addicted to drugs or don't understand you but what you need to do is express yourself to them and open up don't hold nothing back because them knowing your hurting will break them down and they will be filled with LOVE, Stop with the anger and just love that person for who they are because you do not know the day or the hour in which they will leave the earth. Tell them you love them. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic   Tell them your there for them because this is what we need in the world..... We need LOVE & we need to stop with the fighting and stop with the hate because the person you are fighting with loves you unconditionally, cry if you have to when you read this i want you to do anything that will break the chains that hold you from being happy everyday we just live our lives but WE never think of it in this matter but we really have to....

I hope this post touches someone tonight & shows them that if you have people who love you then love them back, But if you never had love or lost a loved one well always remember..... I love you

1 comment:

S-a-H V-e-Lo-CiTy said...

Consider me "touched" {Pause}