Thursday, July 28, 2011

Anger, The biggest regret

Now we are all human, We all cry and we all anger but what happened's when we say the things we regret when we anger?, do we lose a loved one? are we looked down upon?. Well maybe all those and even more can be a negative affect after you do or say something because you are angry. Let me just say that its good to hold things inside when you are angry because what you are expressing is not really true most of the times. For example, We have all argued with a parent or guardian in our lifetime and we all know that some of us even used the H word when we argued with them.... Yes the word "Hate"! but most of us do regret it. But that could have been prevented and that moment would have never happened but we let the anger get to us.

Now we try and try but never succeed and hats okay because we're not in control of our body's when we are angry, I mean some of us black out and go crazy!, First think we need to do is never blame ourselves for something we can't control and second we need to try our best to lot it it get to us.

Here are some tips that i think is the best way to not let your anger take over:

  1. Walk away (Sounds easy but its not, It won't work the first time but keep trying)
  2. Use alternatives (Write your feelings in a notebook, listen to music, read, Do things that keep you calm)
  3. express yourself (Only after you stopped being angry, Tell the person how you feel without violence)
  4. Become the bigger person (Your enemy hate's the fact you succeed in life, so show them)
  5. Tell the person you forgive them or want to move on (If it's a friend, family member, Or any loved one)
  6. Lock yourself somewhere and curse up a storm (Then walk out with a smile :) <3)

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