Sunday, July 24, 2011


First couple to marry
(Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images) 

Today we made history, Today we made it to the next level for full equality, Same sex couples finally got married and finally got their rights! The first couple that was married in New York city was a lesbian couple,  Phyllis Siegel (rear) and Connie Kopelov (front). and one was 76 and the other was 84 years of age, They have been together for 23 years and they finally got their chance to say "I do". I feel the happiness in the air because we finally made it. We have so much more to go but this is such a huge step that its our time to celebrate as ONE. The blood and tears that our elders went through to get to this point is such an emotional image but also a very happy image because the ones who fought for this finally WON THE BATTLE.

So celebrate today because Same sex couples can finally wed in NEW YORK!

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