Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What are the proper steps to maintain a healthily lifestyle with the disease?

To know for sure that you are infected please go and take a AIDS test!, its so important and its needed to know for sure that you are infected, Once you know for sure you do your doctor will take proper steps to keep you healthy.

Once again AIDS is not only a disease for adults, teens are at a high risk also because most of us are not educated about this disease.


If you have AIDS please exercise everyday and eat lots of veggies and foods that are filled with vitamins and minerals. AIDS is meant to weaken the body so you need everything to keep your body strong and prepared for any oncoming attack that can result to death. If you are infected and feel as if your life stops once you find out you are then you are WRONG!. In our day and age there are medications that make people with AIDS live longer. You need to try everything to keep your body as strong as it can be, You do not die from AIDS, you die from the fever or cold you have. Because you have AIDS your body does not have immune to protect your body from the cold/fever so you can die.

Check out for more information

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