Monday, August 22, 2011

In his honor

Today the spirit of freedom and history was felt in the air throughout the united states as the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial finally opened in Washington today. Martin Luther king holds a place in my heart like no other because he is so brave and defined a nation along with many other civil rights leaders. The civil rights movement was one of the darkest moments in our history because human beings were treated poorly just because of the color of their skin, Martin Luther king stood up and took charge and because of him and many others we can all shake each others hands and love one another without any fear. In those horrible times people were killed and had their rights stripped from them!

Now the memorial has lots of symbolism because it represent's the struggle that beautiful African american people had to face in those difficult times, The theme of mountains is used in this memorial and really conveys a very peaceful setting. We sometimes don't understand how lucky we ALL are today, The world is still a scary place but it was way worse before. We all need to sit and reflect on how powerful Martin Luther king is because he fought for people's lives, And whats more beautiful then the gift of life?, we all need to treat each other better because we are a family. We need to understand each other and see that everyone is different and just because a person is darker or lighter does not mean ANYTHING! we all have a beating heart inside us all.

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