All I've thought about today is a perfect world, what i mean by "perfect" is the balance of good and evil. My main question today is how different would society be today if Martin Luther king was still alive today?. Many believe people will love a little more but i believe it can still be done not matter what because he left such an amazing legacy that should never be forgotten and should always be praised. The world is still being repaired but we should always be grateful for the people who are fighting for a better tomorrow and those are the people who keep Martin Luther kings memory alive and to me its really sad that people see this as any other day when the meaning of this day seems to fade we all need to remember the importance of sacrifice and how beautiful it is, civil rights leaders had their homes blown up, were attacked, and even killed. So YES to me its a pretty big deal and it should be for the entire world because when the power of love and unity is manifested we should all be extremely grateful. Going out there and doing something amazing is what he would have loved, hate is to overrated to lets give love a chance not only to the people who came before us but to the present and to the future.
I hope you all celebrate this day everyday, because there is no holiday for love.
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