How can i feel?
A new year and a new world, I've been very fascinated with history and how we as a society evolve with the new year. I strongly believe that we as the human race are beginning to reject the subject of feeling (Feeling as in emotion). We close ourselves to the thought of showing emotion to one another unless you are in a relationship with the person. If we dream of a better world we have to start by not having fear in showing "Weakness" by displaying emotion, In our society saying the words "I love you" to someone you love (But are not in a relationship with) makes us feel weird inside and even a little embarrassed or even makes the "Situation" awkward. Its easy to say it because its just words but feeling it inside your soul and then saying it can be a challenge because we as people transformed the words "I love you" to something that is in connection with relationship. But i am here to say that you can say it to anyone! Friends, family, and even pets. Part of the process of becoming a better person is not being afraid of showing the world who you really are....
So start now.
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